The Appendix is a small, tube-like organ attached to the first part of the large intestine, also called the colon. It is located in the lower right area of the abdomen. It has no known function.

A blockage inside of the appendix causes appendicitis. The blockage leads to increased pressure, problems with blood flow and inflammation.

If the blockage is not treated, the appendix can break open and leak infection into the body.

Symptoms may include
  • Pain and/or swelling in the abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Inability to pass gas
  • Low fever

Not everyone with appendicitis has all these symptoms.

Appendicitis is a medical emergency. Treatment almost always involves removing the appendix. Anyone can get appendicitis. It happens most often to people between the ages of 10 and 30.

Acute appendicitis, a common intra-abdominal surgical problem, where the organ Appendix is infected and inflamed. If the treatment is delayed, perforation with associated leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity may occur.

The presentation is various like periumbilical pain, followed by nausea, right lower abdomen pain, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

The laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgical technique involves making several tiny cuts in the abdomen and inserting a miniature camera and surgical instruments. The appendix is then removes with the instruments, so there is usually no need to make a large incision in the abdomen. The camera projects a magnified image of the area onto a television monitor which helps guide the surgeons as they remove the appendix.

In the laparoscopic technique, several small incisions are made in the abdomen. In one incision a laparoscope is inserted. The laparoscope has a tiny lens to which a TV camera is attached. The appendectomy is performed by the surgeon while looking at the TV monitor. Small instruments are inserted in the other incisions and used to to remove the appendix. No stitches placed which needs removal.

Open Surgical incision
Laparoscopic incisions